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DxDiag system report in Windows

At this time explaining the DxDiag namely DirectX Diagnosis, which is where windows system is DxDiag used to get reports from a PC, this is overview of DirectX Diagnostic and which is divided into several components, namely System, Display, Sound, and input.

In the System section of your PC have a report regarding the name, OS or Windows operating systems are used, manufacture, BIOS version used, as well as processor to RAM, and DirectX version.

This system giving a report on Drivers, Software and Hardware used by your PC, so it will be easier for you to monitor the version of components and drivers installed on your PC for now, and this system report can help to find which part of component losing caused not yet installed or damage, also needed to update with manual update. On Display tab, its giving a report about graphic on PC, exactly all component in your graphic device at this time, will showed on this tab.

At this Display tab giving detail from name or brand your graphic device from hardware, also manufacture of graphic device, total memory of graphic device, current display on your monitor, and also driver component for supporting your graphic device. In this Display tab will really helpfull to find detail component from your graphic device, not really completed like sofware detection but in overview only, so if hard to find sofware or to much load software can caused lagging, this manual system report its the alternative one.

On the Display tab, only giving a report so if want update the graphic device, must do on manually update from manufacture driver or another alternative way using Device Manager on Control Panel. With keep update driver of graphic device, that will make component always up to date with new system update from PC, that driver component will supporting your graphic device work maximum and healthy.

For the next tabs, its about Sound tab and also Input tab. For Sound tab its diplaying report from name or brand your Speaker intalled its detected from hardware on PC, from name component driver sound system until version of driver appearing on this tab, for note only this sound card driver most always have update, but with high size and not really giving enchaned on PC, only supporting driver for new system Windows. Next its Input tab, that report its displaying about your component like keyboard part, mouse part, and etc. That is giving a report have a problem on plug, damage device, or device work well.

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